Insider: How to deal with body shaming around the holidays — especially from family members

How ignoring mental health can make the coronavirus pandemic worse

From Insider:

Sometimes body shaming is overt, intentional, and plain old mean.

Other times it comes from people that we love. It might be parent asking if you’re sure you want to eat that pizza. Perhaps a grandparent always makes a remark about you not having enough “meat on your bones.” Or maybe it’s a longtime friend mentioning that you look curvier than usual — then asking if you’re still hitting the gym.

The bulk of these comments are well-intentioned. Our loved ones want us to be healthy, and this is one way they express their concern. But just because the comments aren’t malicious, doesn’t mean they’re OK.

For one thing, weight and size are not the only (or the best) indicators of internal health— a message that might be lost on loved ones who’ve grown up in a culture that praises weight loss and stigmatizes weight gain.

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