From The Huffington Post:
As a therapist who has been practicing for over 20 years, I have developed a healthy respect for self-fulfilling prophecy. Over and over again, I have seen that if we anticipate an outcome, it is more likely to occur that way because our thoughts precede our behaviors. As author Wayne Dyer said, “Our intention creates our reality.”
For this reason, I make a vision board every New Year. I’ve found it’s the perfect time to reflect and thoughtfully envision what you would like to welcome into your life in the year to come. In my practice, I recognize that many of us set our own ceilings with self-limiting beliefs or “small thinking.” So when making a vision board, I encourage each of us to open ourselves up to receiving all that is good into our lives.
Through the creation of a vision board, we are putting thought and energy into things we would like to experience in the new year—-perhaps it is more self-care, travel, career success, relationship connection, inner peace, love or friendship.