WGN Radio: Simple ways to shape your kid into a critical thinker

Joyce Marter

From WGN Radio:

Wouldn’t it be nice if your child or teen offered CLEAR explanations, ACCURATE facts, RELEVANT questions and LOGICAL discussions…all while having EMPATHY for others?

Critical thinking can provide a solid foundation for all of these attributes and more.

To help us with some simple guidelines, WGN Radio’s Vic Vaughn sat down with the founder and CEO of Urban Balance, Joyce Marter. She’s a psychotherapist , writer and president of the Illinois Counseling Association.

Read the full story.

Co-Pay Update

During our transition to Optum Healthcare, North Carolina Center for Resiliency has been temporarily unable to collect co-pays through the patient portal. If you would like to keep current on your account, please call us at (984) 254-5165 and we can arrange payment.