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17 Totally Normal Feelings to Have as a College Student Right Now

Spoiler alert: It’s all valid. By: Jessica A. Gold, M.D., M.S. BonninStudio/Adobe Stock It’s officially back-to-school season even though this school year is anything but normal—something you know especially well if you’re a college student. The coronavirus...

On National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, A Story Of Survival

By: Jessica Gold Dr. Justin Bullock, resident physician at UCSF, is a vocal advocate for mental illness as he has Bipolar Disorder and survived multiple suicide attempts. Today is National Physician Suicide Awareness Day. To honor this day, we could talk about...

MTV Shifts The Narrative Of Teen Addiction With 16 And Recovering

By: Jessica Gold Group Meeting of students at Northshore Recovery High School during an episode of 16 and Recovering on MTV. Addiction experts will tell you that media portrayals of drug use are not helping their patients. Drug use is often glorified and harms are...

FOOD AND ADDICTION: A Comprehensive Handbook

FOOD AND ADDICTION: A Comprehensive Handbook

Authored by Mark Gold, MD and Kelly Brownell Can certain foods hijack the brain in ways similar to drugs and alcohol, and is this effect sufficiently strong to contribute to major diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and hence constitute a public...

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!